You’re Not Raising Enough Startup Funding

brett fox
4 min readAug 23, 2023

The biggest fight I got into with two of my co-founders, Randy and Ken, was about how much money we should initially raise. I wanted to raise $11 million, and they wanted to raise $6 million.

Picture: Depositphotos

Randy and Ken believed, incorrectly, that we would end up with more equity by raising a smaller round first. I’ll get back to why raising more money usually gives you more equity later in the video.

The fatal mistake of not raising enough funding.

Not raising enough startup funding is one of the most common self inflicted wounds you can give yourself raising startup funding. It’s a flawed thought process that raising less money is easier, but that’s not necessarily true.

Let me explain why not raising enough funding is fatal. It’s not because you’ll likely reduce your equity position more by raising less money.

It is because you’re not giving yourself enough runway. And that’s a killer.

When I ask founders why they want raise less money, the most common answer I get is, “It will be easier to raise less money.” The thought process is that it’s easier for angel investors and venture capitalists to write smaller checks.

And that is dead wrong. Here’s why.



brett fox

I work with startup CEOs to help them grow their businesses . I built several businesses from $0 to >$100M. Learn more at