What’s The One Type Of VC You Should Never, Ever Take Money From?

brett fox
4 min readAug 6, 2019

It amazing how like every industry, Venture Capitalists can be broken into three groups:

A. The really great VCs. This is about 20% of the population of VCs.

B. The good to mediocre VCs. This is the majority of the population of VCs; about 60% in my experience.

C. The really, really bad VCs. This is about 20% of the population of VCs.

You’re in great shape if you end up working with a great VC or even a good to mediocre VC. This group of VCs will at least be supportive of your company.

Now, let explain what I mean by really, really bad VC. A really, really bad VC is someone that screws over entrepreneurs.

The really, really bad VC might be quite successful. Indeed, many are quite successful. However, from an entrepreneurs standpoint, working with a really, really bad VC can be like playing with fire, especially if the VC is a brilliant jerk (more on this later).

Your job as a founder is to avoid at all costs the really, really bad VCs.

Really, really bad VCs come in different flavors:

A. The entrepreneur with that one good exit.



brett fox

I work with startup CEOs to help them grow their businesses . I built several businesses from $0 to >$100M. Learn more at https://www.brettjfox.com