The Four Big Recruiting Mistakes That Will Kill Your Startup

brett fox
6 min readAug 8, 2023

I’d have a lot of money if I could have a nickel for every mistake I’ve ever made. But. if I could have a nickel for every recruiting mistake I’ve ever made, well, I’d have a fortune!

Picture: Depositphotos

Recruiting, of all the activities you have as CEO, is the most important. And recruiting is also the most time-consuming activity you have as a CEO.

You have to meet with a lot of people to find the right candidate. It’s painful. And you’re under so much pressure to hire!

The pressure to hire leads to mistakes. And the hiring mistakes can be killers.

I’ve made a list of the four biggest mistakes that CEOs make recruiting their team. And you know what? I’ve made all of these mistakes except for one of them.

I’ll let you figure out which one I didn’t make.* So here goes.

Mistake Number One: Hiring “B” players instead of “A” players because you are under so much pressure to hire someone, anyone, to fill the position.

The thought process goes like this:

“I’ve been looking for this role for months, and I can’t find the right person yet. So…



brett fox
brett fox

Written by brett fox

I work with startup CEOs to help them grow their businesses . I built several businesses from $0 to >$100M. Learn more at

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