How Much Funding Should You RaiseIf you’re unsure about how much money you should raise, you’re not alone. Most CEOs don’t realize the connection between the amount they…2d ago2d ago
Published inStartup StashHow Do You Close Your Next Round Of Funding Faster?You’ve just pitched a prospective investor. The meeting went really well. Now the investor tells you they want to move forward toward an…Nov 27Nov 27
How Do You Create A Cold Email That Actually Works?Imagine this: you’re ready to raise money for your startup. You’ve built a list of investors, but you don’t have the warm introductions you…Nov 20Nov 20
How Do You Use Body Language To Pitch InvestorsWhether you’re pitching your startup in person, on Zoom, or on a phone call, your body language can be the difference between you raising…Nov 12Nov 12
What Do You Do When Your Co-Founder Quits?Over 50% of all co-founder relationships end up failing. That’s right, one in two co-founders don’t work out. So, there’s a pretty good…Oct 291Oct 291
How Do You Forecast Your Startup’s Revenue?Forecasting your revenue might not seem very important. However, getting your forecast right is critical to your startup’s survival because…Oct 161Oct 161
How Do You Create A Successful MVPBuilding your Minimal Viable Product is one of those supposed must do’s that you need to do when you start your company. The problem is…Oct 9Oct 9
How Should You Follow Up With Investors?You’ve just had a great meeting with an investor. You’re all fired up. Then a week goes by, and you still haven’t heard back from the…Oct 1Oct 1
How Do You Create A Great Elevator Pitch?Your elevator pitch is the most important part of your startup pitch and pitch deck. The success of your elevator pitch determines if an…Sep 25Sep 25
What Should You Do Before Raising Startup Funding?There are obvious things you need to do in preparation for raising funding like developing a pitch deck. I am not going to waste your time…Sep 18Sep 18